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Dec. 1, 2023

Ep 2: Embracing Kratom: Misty Brown's Journey from Addiction to Advocacy

Join us on a transformative journey with Misty Brown where she shares how chronic pain led her to opioid and cocaine addiction. Then a chance encounter with the documentary, A Leaf of Faith, introduced her to Kratom.

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Kratom Stories Podcast

Join us on a transformative journey with Misty Brown where she shares how chronic pain led her to opioid and cocaine addiction. Then a chance encounter with the documentary, A Leaf of Faith, introduced her to Kratom. Purchasing her first batch from a local vendor, she found this plant to be a balm for her cravings and pain, helping her regain control over her life.

Now a seasoned warrior, she uses her voice on social media to challenge the misconceptions surrounding Kratom and protect against skewed portrayals. As a Board Member of the Botanical Action Network, Misty strives to curb statewide Kratom bans and foster appropriate regulation, widening access to this life-changing plant. Hear Misty’s unfolding Kratom narrative—it might just spark a transformation in your life, too! 

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Related Links:
A Leaf of Faith documentary
American Kratom Association
Info about Shaina Brown
Info about Marshall Price 
Misty's Merch Store - check out the Kratom shirts!
Connect with Misty: TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram

Madalyn's Recommended Vendors:
Etha Natural Botanicals - 25% off with code: KratomStories
New Hope Botanicals - 10% off with code: madalyn10

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Please note: The views and experiences shared in this episode are personal and unique to the guest. Kratom, while featured prominently in these stories, is a botanical substance that is unregulated in the U.S. and various countries around the world. The Kratom Stories Podcast and its host, Madalyn Sklar, do not endorse, promote, or encourage the use of Kratom. We simply aim to shed light on personal experiences and narratives related to this plant. If you're considering using Kratom, we strongly urge you to seek professional medical advice, conduct thorough research, and comply with all local laws and guidelines.

Misty Brown Profile Photo

Misty Brown

Addiction Survivor

I’m known as the bright colored hair, stiletto nails wearing Kratom advocate with no filter. I never really fit in the boxes that society labels people so my recovery story and survival from active addiction is no different. I survived the overprescribing opioid epidemic. I was trapped in active addiction from 2008-2019 via pain management doctors. I accidentally found Kratom in June 2019 after being fired from pain management in April 2019. After being fired, I went to the streets and started doing cocaine. During my cocaine withdrawals, I watched that documentary “A Leaf of Faith.” Now today, I’m a loud and proud Kratom advocate and consumer. My passion in life is to save other lives and dispel the Kratom misinformation surrounding this magical plant. Kratom can and will save your life whether you’re looking for recovery from substance use disorder, looking for chronic pain management alternatives or if you’re just done with the revolving door of Big Pharma. Don’t google Kratom…ASK AN ADVOCATE!

New to the Kratom Stories Podcast?

Here's a great episode to get you started featuring podcast host, Madalyn Sklar. Hear her journey about living with chronic pain and finding relief from a plant that has worked better than years of pharmaceuticals.