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March 7, 2025

Ep 65: Stephanie Sue's Story of Resilience and Recovery as a Kratom Industry Insider

Stephanie Sue discusses her transformative journey with Kratom, covering her struggles with addiction, advocacy, safe consumption methods, and the challenges faced in the community.

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Kratom Stories Podcast

In this powerful episode of the podcast, Stephanie Sue opens up about her remarkable journey with Kratom, which began during a challenging period marked by addiction. After an initial unsuccessful attempt with the plant in 2014, she rediscovered Kratom in 2016 during a pivotal time when the DEA was attempting to ban it. This discovery not only changed her life but ignited a passion for advocacy that led her to work within the Kratom industry for two different vendors, giving her unique insights into both the community and its challenges.

Through her experience working in the industry, Stephanie shares invaluable knowledge about proper Kratom consumption methods, including the science behind optimization techniques using warm water and citric acid. She candidly discusses navigating family skepticism, a common hurdle many Kratom users face due to widespread misinformation. Her story takes an interesting turn as she addresses using Kratom during pregnancy, a topic rarely discussed in the community. Stephanie's dedication to education and advocacy shines through as she emphasizes the importance of understanding what you're consuming, particularly warning about potent 7-OH products. Her compelling narrative demonstrates how personal struggles can transform into a mission to help others, making this episode a must-listen for anyone curious about Kratom's potential impact on their lives.


The Kratom Red Bubble Technique

Stephanie Sue's TikTok videos related to Kratom:
Before tea | Using herbal supplements | Kratom hating Karens | Responding to tea haters | Advocating for Kratom

Bud The Swamp Water Guy - TikTok

Misty Brown - TikTok

Share your Kratom story on this podcast! I’d love to hear more about you and your journey.

Full show notes for this episode at

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Etha Natural Botanicals - 25% off with code: KratomStories

New Hope Botanicals - 10% off with code: KratomStories

Christopher's Organic Botanicals - 10% off with code: KratomStories






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Please note: The views and experiences shared in this episode are personal and unique to the guest. Kratom, while featured prominently in these stories, is a botanical substance that is unregulated in the U.S. and various countries around the world. The Kratom Stories Podcast and its host, Madalyn Sklar, do not endorse, promote, or encourage the use of Kratom. We simply aim to shed light on personal experiences and narratives related to this plant. If you're considering using Kratom, we strongly urge you to seek professional medical advice, conduct thorough research, and comply with all local laws and guidelines.

Stephanie Sue Profile Photo

Stephanie Sue

Former Kratom Industry Worker/Recovering addict/mom/wife/hilarious

Hi! My name is Stephanie Sue and I originally found kratom in 2014. I was in active addiction however when I couldnt find my drug of choice, kratom is what I used to make withdrawls less debilitating. In 2016, I got clean. I did not use kratom for this but this was because I had not done my research fully yet. Once clean, i started noticing PAWS (post acute withdrawl syndrome) would hit me every 4 to 6 weeks. This made it extremely difficult to work my job, be a mom, and stay clean because it is physically and mentally painful. So kratom is what I started looking more into. Realizing that kratom gave me the ability to push through PAWS, I got into the online advocacy groups for kratom. The first group I joined was called NACU which stood for New and Current Users. Until Facebook made changes to their community guidelines this was the largest facebook support group that was pro kratom. It was there that I found a community of people who I could relate to without feeling judged like I did in so many other support groups for recovery. In 2017, I found out I was pregnant with my 2nd and final child but I was also on 5 diffrent pharmaceuticals. Some were approved to be takek during pregnancy, but not all. I made the informed decision with my OBGYN and Primary Care doctor to transition from the pharmaceuticals and use 3rd party lab tested kratom instead. The differences between my second pregnancy and my first was like night and day. My second pregnancy was truly way easier and I dont attribute it specifically to kratom but I do believe it was a huge help. I documented this p… Read More

New to the Kratom Stories Podcast?

Here's a great episode to get you started featuring podcast host, Madalyn Sklar. Hear her journey about living with chronic pain and finding relief from a plant that has worked better than years of pharmaceuticals.