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Dec. 13, 2024

Ep 56: Jennifer Gillis: Kratom, Chronic Pain, and the Power of Advocacy

Jennifer Gillis shares her transformative Kratom journey on this week's podcast. Diagnosed with transverse myelitis in 2005, she battled chronic pain until discovering Kratom. Learn how it changed her life and how she's now a passionate advocate, fighting misinformation and promoting responsible Kratom use. Discover valuable insights and resources to start your own journey.

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Kratom Stories Podcast

In this week's Kratom Stories podcast, Madalyn welcomes back Jennifer Gillis for a powerful and insightful conversation. Jennifer, originally featured in episode three, shares her transformative journey using Kratom to alleviate the chronic pain stemming from transverse myelitis. Diagnosed in 2005, Jennifer's life was drastically altered by her condition causing her to suffer from constant pain and rely on alcohol as a coping mechanism. After finding relief with Kratom, she shares her experience overcoming the challenges of misinformation, educating both her family and the public on the positive impacts of responsibly using this plant to manage pain. Jennifer's story is a moving testament to Kratom's potential to enhance lives, inspiring listeners to explore its possibilities and actively participate in responsible advocacy.

This episode also tackles crucial issues within the Kratom community. Madalyn and Jennifer discuss the importance of accurate information in the face of widespread misinformation, focusing on the dangers of unregulated extracts and the rise of 7OH products, which are often misrepresented and dangerously mismarketed. They highlight the concerns raised by leading Kratom researchers regarding these products and underscore the need for responsible consumption and consumer education. Hear Jennifer share practical advice for starting a Kratom journey and discover how you can become a part of the growing community of responsible Kratom advocates. Learn how you can share your story and become involved in this important effort for access to this life-changing plant.


Ep 3: Jennifer Gillis' Journey: From Despair to Relief with Kratom in Her Battle Against Chronic Pain

Researchers Sound Alarm on Dangerous 7OH Synthetic Kratom Alternatives

American Kratom Association

The Kratom Gals

Misty Brown - TikTok

Share your Kratom story on this podcast! I’d love to hear more about you and your journey.

Full show notes for this episode at

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Please note: The views and experiences shared in this episode are personal and unique to the guest. Kratom, while featured prominently in these stories, is a botanical substance that is unregulated in the U.S. and various countries around the world. The Kratom Stories Podcast and its host, Madalyn Sklar, do not endorse, promote, or encourage the use of Kratom. We simply aim to shed light on personal experiences and narratives related to this plant. If you're considering using Kratom, we strongly urge you to seek professional medical advice, conduct thorough research, and comply with all local laws and guidelines.

Jennifer Gillis Profile Photo

Jennifer Gillis

Mom Extraordinaire

I am a stay at home mom to my 3 boys, and my kitty, and I've been happily married for 12 years. I was diagnosed and have been living with Transverse Myelitis and chronic pain for the past 18 years. I found kratom in 2019 to help me manage my chronic pain. It saved my life! I want to share my story with others and let them know that there's hope! I also try to educate and advocate for this amazing plant.

New to the Kratom Stories Podcast?

Here's a great episode to get you started featuring podcast host, Madalyn Sklar. Hear her journey about living with chronic pain and finding relief from a plant that has worked better than years of pharmaceuticals.