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Aisha (Chai)

Aisha (Chai) Profile Photo

Registered Nurse

I go by Chai online, but my real name is Aisha. Hello everyone :)

I am a registered nurse and have 2 beautiful black cats. I am an alcoholic and it was normal for me to have bruises all over my body, make reckless decisions, and lose relationships left and right. One night, an ambulance had to rush me to the hospital due to my drinking. Despite the consequences, I didn't stop... until I was at my very bottom and was desperate to escape the pain. I went to AA meetings and tried to be sober, but for years I kept relapsing. The cravings and urges were too much. I was on naltrexone for 6 months but I would cheat by skipping my doses so I could drink. I was tired of the vicious cycle of sobriety and relapsing. I went to alcohol out-patient recovery programs, and that didn't even stop me from drinking. And then I found kratom...

Ever since I stopped taking naltrexone and started on kratom, I've been the most sober than I have in years. I've been sober for months now because kratom helps with the cravings so much, and it reminds me the importance of being sober. When I'm on the verge of relapsing, I have some kratom and I feel better. I can maintain my sobriety thanks to kratom!

I have severe depression and severe anxiety, and crying everyday and hating my life was the norm. Despite being on a cocktail of medications, I was still severely depressed and anxious. Doing every day tasks was extremely difficult. I felt so bad emotionally that I didn't have the heart to push through the depression. Until kratom came to my life. I feel much happier and found a new purpose in life. I can live life without anxiety so doing every day tasks became easier and easier. I can wake up in the mornings now and not hate myself. I've learned to love myself.

I've been struggling with an eating disorder (anorexia) for over a decade. When I was younger I was overweight and would get bullied in school for it. Family would make negative comments. When I lost the weight, I started to get compliments about my looks for the first time, and I felt prettier. I kept losing the weight and the obsession of restricting and purging stayed stuck in my head. Despite looking sickly looking and getting comments from people, I couldn't escape the vicious cycle of restricting how much I ate. If I felt like I ate to much (when in reality I didn't) I would purge. I was so depressed because I was never satisfied. I couldn't see myself eating and gaining weight. I was so fearful of that. I was severely underweight, I was hospitalized for it. Despite going to ED recovery programs, I would relapse to my usual ways. I was at risk of hospitalization again until I found kratom. I was blown away how much the obsession of food faded away. I could now enjoy eating again! I haven't experienced that in over a decade. Before, it would scare me and make me feel guilty. Now, I can be sociable around food and look forward to meals. It's amazing! I've gain almost 20 lbs since I've started kratom, and I feel much confident in myself. I can now look forward to meals instead of dreading it!

Kratom helps so much with my alcoholism, my severe depression and anxiety, and eating disorder. It's saving my life! Literally! I don't know if I would even be alive right now if I didn't find kratom. It's a miraculous plant, and I will advocate for it always.

I make Youtube videos about kratom strains from various kratom vendors, and write kratom reviews on Reddit and Discord. Feel free to check them out :)

Discord: chaichaithechai (Chai#3989)

Feb. 16, 2024

Ep 14: Kratom Chronicles: Chai's Story of Recovery and Renewal

In this inspiring episode, I talk with Chai, also known as Aisha, a registered nurse who has witnessed a remarkable transformation thanks to Kratom. Her journey begins with a struggle against alcoholism, depression, and an eating disorder.
Guest: Aisha (Chai)