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Bekkah Morris

Bekkah Morris Profile Photo

Manager at Taunton Bay Kratom

I'm 35, live in Downeast, Maine, & I'm an active mom of 4 boys plus a bonus daughter in college. My husband & I both deal with chronic illness, but I have a medical list a mile long. I'm Autistic, a Cervical Cancer survivor, & I've had over 20 surgeries in my life. But what affects me most today is the recurring Neurological Lyme Disease. For over a decade I've experienced some pretty severe symptoms - everything from encephalitis & radiculitis, to joint swelling & sudden panic-like attacks brought on by nerve damage.

I found kratom in 2012/2013 when I was healing from a very painful surgery. It was a horrible experience that stuck with me for life. But it motivated me to help myself & that's when I stumbled upon a wealth of positive kratom experiences in a forum online. When I tried kratom for the first time, I knew it was the right solution for me. I felt uplifted, empowered, & like the "old me" again. It helped ease my discomfort & stiffness. My family & I became instant kratom supporters! I've since been able to get back to work, being active with my kids, & still have enough energy for my hobbies, like makeup art & genealogy.

When the kratom community started growing online, I was offered a job with Taunton Bay Kratom in 2014. They're an amazing family-owned shop who really cares about kratom & the community, so I never left. We will continue to advocate for kratom legality, adequate quality assurance practices for vendors, & I so look forward to the future of our leaf!

Aug. 9, 2024

Ep 38: Lyme Disease, Chronic Pain & Kratom: Bekkah Morris Speaks Out

Bekkah Morris shares her inspiring journey of overcoming chronic pain, cancer, and Lyme disease with Kratom. Discover how this plant ally transformed her health and ignited her passion for advocacy, leading her to become a respected voice in the Kratom …

Episode page