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Jennifer Clifford

Jennifer Clifford Profile Photo

Mom / grandma

I found kratom in 2016 in the height of my addiction, at first I didn’t care for it, I didn’t feel anything and at the time I was going hard core on all substances. In 2018 my father passed away, and something in me changed, I was just so tired of the up and down and decided I was done. I started taking kratom again but I was still on my addict mindset, so I won’t lie I abused it, I started taking extracts about 3-4 times a week but in May of 2022 I said this is no different than a pill habit, those shots are 20 dollars a piece. So I stopped taking them with just plain leaf powder, it took a long time to feel normal again. But I’ve been off opiates for almost 6 years now, and I’ve finally found my good dose. Kratom has saved my life.

Aug. 16, 2024

Ep 39: Breaking the Chains of Addiction: Jen Clifford's Kratom Story

Jen Clifford shares her inspiring journey from opioid addiction to recovery with Kratom. Hear how this plant transformed her life, providing hope and inspiration for others seeking alternative paths to wellness. From her initial encounter with Kratom to her journey towards a sustainable approach,…