Addiction Survivor
I’m known as the bright colored hair, stiletto nails wearing Kratom advocate with no filter. I never really fit in the boxes that society labels people so my recovery story and survival from active addiction is no different. I survived the overprescribing opioid epidemic. I was trapped in active addiction from 2008-2019 via pain management doctors. I accidentally found Kratom in June 2019 after being fired from pain management in April 2019. After being fired, I went to the streets and started doing cocaine. During my cocaine withdrawals, I watched that documentary “A Leaf of Faith.” Now today, I’m a loud and proud Kratom advocate and consumer. My passion in life is to save other lives and dispel the Kratom misinformation surrounding this magical plant. Kratom can and will save your life whether you’re looking for recovery from substance use disorder, looking for chronic pain management alternatives or if you’re just done with the revolving door of Big Pharma. Don’t google Kratom…ASK AN ADVOCATE!