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Stephanie Sue

Stephanie Sue Profile Photo

Former Kratom Industry Worker/Recovering addict/mom/wife/hilarious

Hi! My name is Stephanie Sue and I originally found kratom in 2014. I was in active addiction however when I couldnt find my drug of choice, kratom is what I used to make withdrawls less debilitating. In 2016, I got clean. I did not use kratom for this but this was because I had not done my research fully yet. Once clean, i started noticing PAWS (post acute withdrawl syndrome) would hit me every 4 to 6 weeks. This made it extremely difficult to work my job, be a mom, and stay clean because it is physically and mentally painful. So kratom is what I started looking more into. Realizing that kratom gave me the ability to push through PAWS, I got into the online advocacy groups for kratom. The first group I joined was called NACU which stood for New and Current Users. Until Facebook made changes to their community guidelines this was the largest facebook support group that was pro kratom. It was there that I found a community of people who I could relate to without feeling judged like I did in so many other support groups for recovery. In 2017, I found out I was pregnant with my 2nd and final child but I was also on 5 diffrent pharmaceuticals. Some were approved to be takek during pregnancy, but not all. I made the informed decision with my OBGYN and Primary Care doctor to transition from the pharmaceuticals and use 3rd party lab tested kratom instead. The differences between my second pregnancy and my first was like night and day. My second pregnancy was truly way easier and I dont attribute it specifically to kratom but I do believe it was a huge help. I documented this pregnancy within that support group and he was even nick named "Baby NACU". After having my son in 2018 is when I began working in the kratom industry for vendors. Ive worked for 2 AKA cGMP vendors. I did stop working in the industry in September of 2024 but will always have a special place in my heart for my previous co workers and all the customers Ive spoken to along the way.