Hailey Reville's journey is one of resilience and discovery. Diagnosed with multiple chronic illnesses at 27, including interstitial cystitis, fibromyalgia, and chronic Epstein-Barr, she initially relied on pain management medications. However, when her prescriptions were abruptly stopped, leaving her to navigate a painful withdrawal, Hailey found herself turning to Kratom after seeing it discussed on TikTok. Through trial and error, she found a method and dosage that provided profound relief, describing it as removing “cement blocks” of pain without the euphoric side effects of other medications. Her experience highlights Kratom’s potential as a versatile, reliable option for various symptoms.
Now a dedicated Kratom advocate, Hailey shares her story to guide others through the process. She stresses the importance of seeking support from knowledgeable individuals within the Kratom community and urges listeners to look beyond potentially biased online information and instead focus on the authentic experiences shared by those who've benefitted from the plant. Hailey's inspiring transformation and her essential advice make this episode a must-listen for anyone exploring Kratom or alternative pain management strategies.
Hailey's TikTok (https://www.tiktok.com/@chronic.illyme)
Hailey's video showing how she makes her Kratom (https://www.tiktok.com/@chronic.illyme/video/7460236520331529514)
Claudia Merandi (https://www.tiktok.com/@cmerandi1) - TikTok
Misty Brown (https://www.tiktok.com/@thateabishhh) - TikTok
Kratom Stories Podcast (https://www.tiktok.com/@tealeafpodcast) - TikTok
Share your Kratom story on this podcast! (https://www.kratomstoriespodcast.com/contact/) I’d love to hear more about you and your journey.
Full show notes for this episode at KratomStoriesPodcast.com/62 (https://www.kratomstoriespodcast.com/62)
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Please note: The views and experiences shared in this episode are personal and unique to the guest. Kratom, while featured prominently in these stories, is a botanical substance that is unregulated in the U.S. and various countries around the world. The Kratom Stories Podcast and its host, Madalyn Sklar, do not endorse, promote, or encourage the use of Kratom. We simply aim to shed light on personal experiences and narratives related to this plant. If you're considering using Kratom, we strongly urge you to seek professional medical advice, conduct thorough research, and comply with all local laws and guidelines.