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Ep 64: Beyond the Prescription: Kacey Cook’s Journey with Kratom and Chronic Pain

This episode features Kacey Cook, a 40-year-old mother battling chronic pain from multiple conditions, including hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and scoliosis. After years of failed surgeries and inconsistent pain management, often facing dismissal and being ghosted by hospitals, Kacey discovered Kratom as a vital tool in managing her pain. This interview details her difficult journey through the healthcare system and highlights the frustration of dealing with uninformed or dismissive medical professionals. She advocates for greater patient agency and self-care, emphasizing the support found in online chronic illness communities.

Kacey describes her responsible Kratom usage, explaining how it complements other therapies to provide significant pain relief without many of the harsh side effects associated with pharmaceutical alternatives. She cautions against unregulated products and stresses the importance of low-and-slow dosing. Her compelling story demonstrates the crucial role Kratom can play in managing chronic pain, especially for those abandoned by conventional healthcare, and advocates for a more comprehensive approach to pain management.


Kacey's TikTok video talking about Kratom (

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Etha Natural Botanicals, New Hope Botanicals, Christopher's Organic Botanicals

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Please note: The views and experiences shared in this episode are personal and unique to the guest. Kratom, while featured prominently in these stories, is a botanical substance that is unregulated in the U.S. and various countries around the world. The Kratom Stories Podcast and its host, Madalyn Sklar, do not endorse, promote, or encourage the use of Kratom. We simply aim to shed light on personal experiences and narratives related to this plant. If you're considering using Kratom, we strongly urge you to seek professional medical advice, conduct thorough research, and comply with all local laws and guidelines.